Annuriyyah Islamic Foundation

" Help ye one Another in righteousness and piety......."


As part of marking of the 30th Anniversary of Nurul Islam 123 qtrs, activities, There is going to be…….


The main Mission of this foundation is to enlighten people to achieve their utmost best in piety and success in this world and the hereafter.
 For this very important reason, the following steps would be taken:

  1. Teaching of the Holy Qur’an with all its requirements i.e. Tajwid (the proper way of reciting the Holy Qur’an) and also Tafsir its exegeses explanation or interpretation of Qur’anic text or passage).
  2. Inculcating the teachings of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H).
  3. Enhancing and encouraging mutual co-existence between Muslims and non Muslims.
  4. Propagating the teachings of shari’a (i.e. Islamic legal code).
  5. Encouraging unity among all Muslims.
  6. Publication of Islamic books and pamphlets and distributing it to the public.
  7. Sponsoring the education of less privileged students.
  8. Propagation of Islam to prisoners.

Undertaking other voluntary services that would be of benefit to the general public

These may include:

  • Building of mosques.
  • Building of Islamic schools or schools that would teach both Islamic and Western Education.
  • Establishing vocational Training Centers.
  • Building Islamic conference Halls.
  • Building houses for Islamic scholars (Ulama’) and students.
  • Building and equipping rehabilitation centres for the disabled.
  • Assisting the orphans and widows.
  • Providing land for Muslim graveyards including fencing and other necessities that may be required.
  • Construction of roads, bridges, submersive wells and boreholes.
  • Planting of trees and general sanitation.


Feeding and educating the poor.Tafsir,Training the intending pilgrims annually etc

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Donations are highly welcome in the course of Allah


Acct Name: An-Nuriyyah Islamic Foundation Account No: 2031886221


Acct Name: An-Nuriyyah Islamic Foundation Account No: 2522030004695

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